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FutureMeds Healthcare Provider Network

Connect to a robust referral network

Benefit from a more effective patient pathway through our referral system. Over 1,300 healthcare providers trust FutureMeds to help increase their practice reputation and patient care. 

Healthcare Partner Referral Network

Controlled access to a Diverse Patient Pool

With a network of 1300+ doctors, specialists and other healthcare providers, our clients can access a wide range of patients, ensuring diverse demographics and lower screen failure rate at a lower recruitment cost.

Diverse, qualified participants leads

Significantly lower screen-fail rate

Enhanced patient engagement

Enhanced Patient Trust and Engagement 

When referred by their trusted healthcare providers, patients within inclusion criteria are more likely to participate in trials and follow instructions, leading to more conclusive and reliable data.

Trusted referrals, enhanced patient engagement 

Higher retention & compliance rates 

Broad Sub-Investigator network 

Healthcare professionals with TA expertise, a passion for their patients' well-being and a drive to impact their communities often act as highly engaged sub-investigators and consultants supporting the trial.

Increased accuracy and reliability of trial data  

Increased knowledge sharing and improved site-level plans 

Broad Sub-investigator Network
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FutureMeds Healthcare Provider Partners 

Supporting identification, FutureMeds’ established HCP referral network can deliver higher quality patients and lead to lower screen failure rate


Healthcare provider referral partners 


CVD referral



Diabetology referral partners 


Endocrinology referral partners 


Internal Disease referral partners


Family medicine referral partners 

"Collaborating and working closely with FutureMeds has been one of the best business decisions made over the past financial year. FutureMeds have been involved with researches which are very relevant to our patient cohort and it is also very rewarding for the surgery at the same time."

GP Practice, UK


Step 1

We increase our understanding of the needs of community clinicians 

We explore the challenges physicians may be facing in their practices before providing them with an expert second opinion and actionable recommendations that can help them progress.


Step 2

We invest time & energy building long-term relationships 

Historical barriers make engaging physicians challenging. It can take years of education and providing value to patients before a relationship is strong enough to facilitate referrals.

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Step 3

We nurture and educate our referral network on available trial opportunities

Physicians leave practices and new ones arrive. Our Clinical relations specialists continue to understand our patient and health care professional communities needs.

Maintaining a quality referral network

Expand research awareness to more clinicians and ultimately to more patients. Our dedicated Clinical Relations Specialists scout, establish and nurture relationships throughout a physician’s professional career 

Sponsors & CROs

Tell us more about your trial

Clinical Trial Team

Healthcare Providers

Become an HCP Partner

Clinical Trial Team
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